A Brief Timeline of the Dreyfus Affair


Histoire d'un traitre [History of a Traitor] (ca. 1898)


October 9 - Birth of Alfred Dreyfus, in Mulhouse, Alsace (at that time part of France).


Dreyfus completes his training at the Ecole Supérieure de Guerre, ranking 9th out of a class of eighty-one officers.


Mid-late September - A list of military secrets (later known as the bordereau) is intercepted at the German embassy.

October 15  - Dreyfus is accused of high treason, arrested, and imprisoned in secrecy.

December 19-22 - First Trial: Dreyfus’s first court-martial held in closed session. Dreyfus is sentenced to perpetual deportation.


January 5 - Degradation: Military degradation of Dreyfus. Dreyfus is publicly stripped of his rank in the courtyard of the Ecole Militaire.

April 14 - Imprisonment: Dreyfus is placed in solitary confinement on Devil’s Island, off the coast of French Guyana.


March - Lieutenant Colonel Georges Picquart receives a document revealing Major Marie Charles Ferdinand Walsin Esterhazy as a German spy.


October - Vice-President of the French Senate, Auguste Scheurer-Kestner, begins a campaign to reopen the Dreyfus investigation after becoming convinced of Dreyfus’s innocence.


January 10-11 - Esterhazy is tried and acquitted by court-martial.

January 13 - Emile Zola’s “J’Accuse” is printed in Georges Clemenceau’s L’Aurore.

August 24-27 - Esterhazy appears before a military board of inquiry and reveals details of his activities.

September 1 - Esterhazy flees to England.


Histoire d'un innocent [History of an innocent].



August 7-September 9 - Second Trial: Court-martial in Rennes. Dreyfus is found guilty with extenuating circumstances and sentenced to 10 years detention.

September 19 - President Emile Loubet signs an order of pardon for Dreyfus.

September 20 - Dreyfus is released from prison.


September 29 - Death of Zola under suspicious circumstances.


November 26 - Dreyfus petitions for retrial in order to clear his name.


July 12 - The Court of Appeals annuls the Dreyfus verdict.

July 13 - Parliament votes to reinstate Dreyfus as a captain.

July 21 - Exoneration of Dreyfus. He is named a Chevalier (knight) of the Legion of Honor in a ceremony at the Ecole Militaire.


June 4 - Zola’s ashes are transferred to the Panthéon, a mausoleum containing the remains of distinguished French citizens. During the ceremony, Dreyfus is shot and wounded by Louis-Anthelme Grégori.


August - At the outbreak of World War I, Dreyfus volunteers for active duty. He fights in the heavy engagements at the front, as does his son Pierre.


July 12 - Death of Alfred Dreyfus.


January 13 - A commemorative plaque honoring Dreyfus and Zola is unveiled at the Ecole Militaire.

A Brief Timeline of the Dreyfus Affair